Friday, June 1, 2012

Foot Anatomy

Dancers often focus on their feet.  In class, your teachers are constantly telling you to stretch and point your feet or keep all ten toes on the ground in first position.  But for as much as dancers think about their feet, how much do they really know?

The foot is made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles, and numerous tendons. Complex biomechanics keep all these parts in the right position and moving together. Given these intricacies, it is not surprising that most people will experience some problem with their feet at some time in their lives.
Within each foot, the essential structure can be summed up as follows:
  • Seven short tarsal bones make up the heel and back of the instep.
  • Five metatarsal bones spread from the back of the foot toward front and make up the structure for the ball of the foot. Each metatarsal is associated with one of the toes.
  • Fourteen phalanges, small bones, form the toe structure.
  • Tarsal and metatarsal bones provide the structure for the arch of the foot.
  • Bands of ligaments connect and hold all the bones in place.
  • A thick layer of fatty tissue under the sole helps absorb the pressure and shock that comes from walking and everyday movements.
So next time your teacher is telling you to point  your feet think about all those bones, joints, and ligaments! If you ever experience pain in your feet, you should schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.  All of those joints and muscles do a lot of work and you don't want them to become permanently damaged.  Call our office at 419-423-1888 to schedule an appointment.  Don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more updates and information to help your dancing feet!

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