Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Setting a Healthy Example

Many of us are concerned about our health, as well we should be. We want to have fulfilled, long lives, and being in good health plays a big role in that endeavor. And with our medical knowledge being more vast than ever before, now is a great time to use the information at your disposal to get and stay healthy. The internet is full of blogs on every subject of health, including health care, medical condition information, exercise, nutrition, and tons more. You can receive emails, instant messages or chat online or on the phone with a support group helping you reach weight loss and fitness goals. You can easily purchase the equipment you need for certain activities online or in your local sporting goods store. And your doctor and/or nutritionist are a phone call and a short drive away. We know more now than we ever have, all that remains is for you to take that first step toward a healthier you.

That is easier said than done. Many of us have problems with weight loss and over-all health, and not every complication can be avoided. But did you know that the way you live affects those around you? You can impact others by setting an example with how you eat, your exercise routine, your attitude, and the information you share. And just as success is contagious in other areas of life, the same is true in living a healthy lifestyle: people want to be around a success story. Losing even a few pounds could inspire those around you to lose some weight themselves. Imagine what losing 50 pounds could inspire! Perhaps you don't have that much weight to lose, or you are trying to gain some muscle with your fitness plan. Meeting your set fitness goal will inspire those around you. And that is not even to mention the extra energy and the proud feeling you'll have after succeeding at your fitness goal.

Want to know how you are affecting others? Click this link: It will lead you to an introduction and calculation of your health footprint. Based on your lifestyle and the people that you are connected to, it will show you how big of an impact your lifestyle is having. Try calculating your footprint now and then recalculating it based on your eventual fitness goals. The difference may help encourage you to change some habits and inspire others.

Dancing is an excellent way to lose weight and meet your fitness goals. Dancing is fun and engaging, meaning that you won't get tired of using this as your exercise method. It does not get repetitive or boring. It can also improve balance and flexibility. And you can dance with a partner, class, or group of people, increasing the fun and interaction you have while exercising. Not to mention that it is a great way to socialize and meet new people. Try taking a class and then using your new skills at a club, dance event, or competition. You can also participate in so many styles of dance, and you can try all of them. Take a ballroom class, or focus on hip hop dancing if it's more your style. There are so many possibilities, and no matter which you chose, you are benefiting form the exercise!

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